4/14/2024 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
Sunday, April 21st, 2024
Registration with Coffee/Donuts from 9:30am to 11am
Ride leaves at 11am, Lunch at 12:30pm

1/15/2024 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
Due to circumstances beyond our control the holiday party for this weekend has to be postponed to a later date - probably springtime.

1/4/2024 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
The Blue Knights RI 1 donated $500.00 to the Tomorrow Fund (for children with cancer) organization. Here is the Thank you letter we received.

7/21/2023 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
We want to thank everyone that was able to make last night's BKRICO presentation before the regular Blue Knights meeting. We awarded 2 scholarships to this year's winners: Ariana Vieira wearing red and next to her Grace Greenslade.

4/8/2023 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
Kick Off Ride (Blessing of the Bikes) and Lunch. May13th, 2023. Registration w/coffee and donuts from 9:30 to 11. Ride leaves at 11am, Lunch at 12:30pm Staging area: Manchester Lodge #12 Coventry Masons Hall 585 Washington St, Coventry, RI 02816 Cost: $20.00

10/21/2022 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
Join our Ed Ryan - Annual Polar Bear Run this year on Sunday, November 27th, 2022. After the ride we will serve an Italian Dinner (Salad, Macaroni and Meatballs)

7/29/2022 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
BKRI Charitable Organization in partnership with Blue Knights RI Chapter I
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Registration: 10:00am to 11:00am
Staging area-Manchester Hall #12, Coventry Masonic Hall 585 Washington Street, (Rt. 117) Coventry, RI 02816
Ride leaves at 11:00am, Dinner served at 1:00pm
$25 per person (Payments can be made by Venmo to @Bkrico)
Open to All Street Legal Motorcycles. Non-Riders welcome
Italian Dinner includes Macaroni, meatballs, and sausage and peppers