12/9/2010 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
When you put your bike away for the winter you should try and make sure that both wheels are on a piece of rug or rubber mat. This will prevent you from developing a flat spot on the tire over the winter. Actually I have it set up in my garage so that every night when I pull in both my wheels end up on a mat for the night.
Hope to see everyone on Friday at the Christmas Party. (Don't forget your DUES!!!)
Ride with Pride
Ken Penza

11/5/2010 | Webmaster Blue Knights RI 1
With the colder months upon us just a couple of reminders:
1. You should always check your tire pressure but especially as the weather gets colder. Your tire pressure can drop drastically when you have a day that starts off in the 60’s let’s say and it is in the 30’s by the time you get home.
2. Remember that even if we’ve had a couple of dry days that the leaves on the ground may have retained moisture and that they can be just as slippery as ice.
I would also ask that if you have any special concerns or suggestions to keep us all safe on the rides that you e-mail me. Remember the only stupid question is the one that we don’t ask!!!
*****Finally I have noticed a dangerous trend, with more and more of us having CB radios. We are getting away from giving hand or foot signals for road hazards when we are on the rides. We are radioing the hazards. (Here’s a little lesson in accident reconstruction). The average human reaction time is 1.66 se ...